Call For Abstracts - Closed
The call for abstracts for GHGT-17 closed on 16 January 2024.
Thank you everyone who submitted on time, we received a 10 year record number of over 1100 abstracts from more than 50 Countries.
All abstracts have completed the review process from our assigned Expert Reviewers from the various CCUS fields. Work was then reviewed by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC) to create and select abstracts for the 71 technical sessions. The work chosen must clearly demonstratethe specific results or research of the topic of the session theme, and all sessions represent the 12 initial main themes the work was submitted to.
The TPC complteted their task and all authors who submitted abstracts were informed of the results on 12th April. If anyone submitted an abstracted and has not received their offer email please contact suzanne.killick@ieaghg.org to confirm.
Authors have till the 20th May to accept their presentation offers for oral presentations or E-poster presentations. We then aim to publish the technical program online agenda by early June, displaying the session details and the submitted abstracts in each session. Please note the online agenda only shows the submitting author as the presenter, if you have selected a different presenter this will be shown in the printed conference programme and conference app.
All GHGT-17 announcements will be via newsletter, social media and the GHGT website – Please sign up to the IEAGHG mailing list to ensure you receive these notifications: http://eepurl.com/du7fkH
Download the GHGT-17 Abstract Brochure
GHGT-17 Themes
List of GHGT-17 Main Themes for the Technical Programme
- Advances in Capture technology development
- Advances in CO2 geological storage
- CCS for industrial sources (non-power) & Hydrogen
- CCS technology assessment, cost and system integration
- CO2 Utilisation for GHG mitigation
- Demonstration projects and major national and international CCS research developments and demonstration programs
- Developments in other storage options for CO2
- Energy, climate change policies and CCS
- Legal & Regulatory Aspects of CCS & long term liability of CO2 Storage
- Public perception and acceptance of CCS and communication on CCS
- Towards negative CO2 emissions
- Transport and infrastructure development
GHGT-17 Conference Secretariat: Suzanne Killick, IEAGHG Events Programme Manager.